Tuesday, February 14, 2006

An Geimhreadh 2003-2004 (Mí na Nollag)

South-facing view of the property shows the half-timber detail on the upper eaves and second floor. The sunroom/porch contains a stairway access to the basement level; the porch entry stairs lead to the door of the attached garage. Side yard of the property was home to 6 cottonwood trees that were well past the pull-by date. At the time this photo was taken, all six had been removed. Many cottonwood trees in the community had been rotting and falling. The 10 on this property caused some severe sidewalk and pavement problems. The cottonwoods on the boulevard (shown in the first post) were also scheduled for removal. Taking advantage of a local community tree program, all the trees have been replaced with more appropriate species.

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